Friday, August 23, 2013

Homemade Calzones with Pizza Sauce

I absolutely LOVE pizza!  I was going to make a pan pizza for dinner but at last minute I decided to make calzones instead.  These were a huge hit with my family and I'm thinking I need to start adding them into a monthly dinner menu.

The nice thing about making calzones you can personalize each one.  Which is perfect for those
 picky eaters. 

Homemade Calzones with Pizza Sauce

1 cup 2 Tbsp hot tap water
1 Tbsp Olive Oil
3 cups flour
1 tsp sugar
3 tsp salt
2 1/2 tsp yeast

In a medium sized bowl add the hot water, yeast and sugar and lightly stir and let sit for 5-10 minutes until foamy.  Slowly add flour 1 cup at a time. Add salt after first cup of flour and continue with the rest.  Knead by hand until well combined and dough is soft and bouncy to touch.  Form dough into a ball and place in bowl.  Spread oil on top.  Cover and let rise for 2 hours or until doubles in size.
Makes about 4-8" calzones.  Dough freezes well.

Here is my recipe for Pizza Sauce

Meat: Pepperoni, ham, chicken, bacon, sausage
Veggies: Peppers, onions, mushrooms, olives, tomatoes
Mozzarella Cheese
Spices. red peppers or italian seasoning

Split dough into 4 equal balls and roll dough out to about 8" circle.  On half of the dough lay out your meat, top with cheese and then your veggies.  Fold the top over and pinch the sides together. Cut 3 small slits on the top.  Bake on the bottom shelf at 425 degrees for about 10-12 minutes.  Serve with warm pizza sauce and enjoy. If you have a pizza stone use it!  If don't have one a baking sheet will be fine.


  1. Great recipe! I've been really into homemade pizza dough and now I need to go a step further with calzones! I think I'll leave them in the oven a minute or two longer to get the more brown and crisp. Found you through Weekend Potluck!

  2. Your calzone sounds delicious! I love homemade pizza, my husband makes it about once a week, we need to start making calzones too!!!! This looks great!!! :)

  3. That looks like a GREAT calzone and tasty, I wonder would my picky son eat it, even though it is a pizza sandwich he would be like no... I am stopping by from FunnyPostpardum Lady and now following you on bloglovin. Stop by and check me out

  4. Oh, these look so nice :-)
    Will have to give these a go

    Popping over from the Lets Get Social Sunday Linky Hop

  5. yummy love this type of dish easy to eat and delicious as well
    come see me at

  6. Yummy, I loooove pizza too! I guess I need to make calzones again soon; we have homemade pizza all the time but I just forget about calzones. Stopping by from Martha Mondays!

  7. I was just thinking about calzones the other day! I"m so excited to try these out! Found you from Sugar Bee link party and would love to have you share these over at our link party that goes til Friday! Pinning and using :)
    Have a good one!

  8. wonderful! we love making pizzas,but we need to start doing more calzones.

  9. We love making pizzas! I need to try these calzones!

  10. Oh yum, calzones make my heart sing and yours looks awesome! I know what we'll be making for Friday pizza night :)

    Amy | Club Narwhal

  11. I LOVE pizza!! It makes sense to turn a pizza into a calzone. It sounds likes the perfect weeknight meal! Thank you for linking up at Wake Up Wednesdays! I shared your link on FB, Twitter & Pinterest!

  12. I love calzones but I've never tried making them at home. Can't wait to get going with this recipe! I'd be thrilled if you'd come on over to Pink Recipe Box and link up at Creative Wednesdays:

  13. WE love calazones!!! Going to have to give them a try :)
    Sara Howe

  14. We are totally having pizza for dinner & if my oven was working I would make calzones, but we are grilling it tonight. Thanks for sharing at Sweet & Savory Saturdays #27!

    ~Amber @
