Friday, July 19, 2013

My homemade pizza sauce

We absolutely love pizza!  It is always my go to meal when im driving home late from work.  Well I decided one night that I was going to make pizza at home.  I thought I had some jarred sauce in the pantry but apparently not.  So thank heavens for Google to save the day!  This sauce was fantastic and quick, the best part is I had all the ingredients at home already.

Homemade Pizza Sauce

1 can tomato suace
1 can tomato paste
2 garlic gloves
1 Tbsp dried oregano
2 tsp dried basil
1/2 tsp onion powder
1/2 tsp sugar

My Notes:
This recipe makes a lot of sauce so I placed the extra sauce in ice cube trays and froze.  When frozen I popped out and placed in a ziploc bag.  Put in microwave for a few seconds to defrost when needed.  Stays fresh in air tight container for 2 weeks in fridge or 3 months in freezer.


  1. This looks so yummy! I love making sauces homemade. :) Im following you now via GFC! I would love for you to come check out my blog! :)

    Amanda @ Happily Ever After

  2. Found you through Social Sundays. Do you just mix the ingredients together and use or do you need to simmer? Love the simple list of ingredients!


  3. All you need to do is mix it all together! SO simple and easy!
    Let me know how you like it.

  4. What size jar of tomato sauce do you use? I'm assuming just the "standard" size, but started second-guessing myself when I saw a smaller can at the store ;-).
